This is a frightening reality!
As parents, we have relished being our child's main source of information. All learning began with us. Once we began homeschooling, it returned to us and for the time-being, will remain with us. As parents, it is our job to instill values, morals and responsibility in our children. We also instill knowledge and hopefully someday, some wisdom too. When there is a question to which we don't know the answer, we as a family, find it. [I can't imagine life before the internet! How did one ever answer all the questions without it? "Why can't great white sharks live in captivity?" etc. But I digress...]
The giggly gaggle of girls isn’t so bad. It is the inability to actually listen to what anyone other than a girlfriend says... well that’s another story entirely.
So, I had better not waste any more precious moments. They are going to be few and far between over the next few years. Very shortly, Mother/Daughter bonding will virtually always involve eye-rolling, exasperation on her part and some charitable condescension for her to actually spend time with her mother.
I had better get cracking on teaching her a few more life lessons while she can still listen, and not just merely here the audible sounds of my talking like Charlie Brown’s mother. I think I will start with another lesson on how to evaluate the different available media sources for their accuracy, agendas and/or bias.